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WileyX SG-1

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Designed for jump missions, close-quarter combat, urban warfare or just looking good in your downtime. These sunglasses in a goggle were inspired by the Army Rangers for multi-operational deployment. Durable Ultra Foam rubber-based rim seals your eyes from foreign objects and particles. Ballistic, anti-fog lenses can be changed depending on weather, environment and operation. Functions with NVG's. Fits under all issued helmets.  Meets both ANSI Z87.1-2003 and the military's ballistic requirement, MIL-PRF-31013.

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Code 71 
LensesSmoke / Clear
FrameGloss Black
Code 75 
LensesPolarized Smoke / Clear
FrameGloss Black
Code 77 
LensesLight Adjusting
FrameGloss Black

The illustration of resistance WileyX SG-1 after attack the face of american soldier by shrapnell in Iraq.

On August 11, 2004 Sgt. Zumaran Leonardo got hit by an IED (OP: Improvised Explosive Device) and had shrapnel all over his face, but nothing happend to his eyes.


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