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Uni-Max GREEN - Laser for Picatinny

417.00 € with VAT

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Whether you’re running port security, investigating the noise in the garage, or engaged in combat in urban terrain, green transitions from light to dark and back again better than any other color.

Highest visibility in ALL lighting conditions.
Incredibly lightweight - weighs ONLY 1oz. with batteries
Integral Picatinny rail system to allow a wide variety of accessories to be stacked right onto the green laser system.
Ambidextrous activation to accomodate the left or right-handed shooter.
Optional Momentary Activation Switch
Constructed from FRN (Fiber Reinforced Nylon) for lasting durability.
Maintains alignment after every battery change.


For: Picatinny; Mil-Spec; Weaver Style Rails (w/ minimum rail length of 1.75")
Battery Type: 1/3N Lithium (2)
Accuracy: User-adjustable for windage & elevation
Wavelength: 532nm (green)
Power Output: 5mW
Spot Size: 5/16" @ 7 Yds; 3/4" @ 25 Yds

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