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Spec Ops Helmet NIJ IIIA

438.16 € with VAT

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Spec Ops Helmet has been designed for tank crews and for soldiers needing to wear large communication headsets. It is designed to be completely removable from the headset.

High fragmentation performance with low weight, using high-tenacity ballistic aramid fiber.

Suspension System
Available with a unique headset harness system, which detaches easily from the helmet shell.


Size               Head Size (inches)      Weight (lbs)*
Extra Small   52-53cm (20.5-20.9)     825g (1.8)
Small           54-55cm (21.3-21.7)     825g (1.8)
Medium        56-57cm (22.0-22.4)     825g (1.8)
Large           58-59cm (22.8-23.2)     900g (2.0)
X Large        60-61cm (23.6-24.0)     900g (2.0)
XX Large      62-64cm (24.4-25.2)     900g (2.0)
*Level IIIA


Olive Drab, Desert Tan, Black, U.N. Blue, Navy Blue

Protection Levels

• Fragmentation (V50)
Fragmentation resistance ranging from 400 m/s up to 750 m/s; as tested with 1.1g, 22 Caliber, 17 grain Fragment Simulated Projectile, according to STANAG 2920 and US MIL STD 662F.
• Ballistic (National Institute of Justice)
NIJ II: Protects against 9mm FMJ and 357 Magnum JSP, in accordance with NIJ standard 0106.01. (December 1981). It has a V50 of 550 m/s (1800 ft/s).

NIJ IIIA: Protects against 9mm FMJ and 44 Magnum SJHP, in accordance with NIJ Standard 0101.04. (June 2001). It has a V50 of 610 m/s (2000 ft/s).

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