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Sabre series - Frame Mount Laser

252.00 € with VAT

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LMS-SA-GF For Full Size GLOCK Models 17,17L,18,22,24,31,34,35,37 (excludes 20 or 21)
LMS-SA-GC For Compact GLOCK Models 19,23,32,38

The Sabre™ Series has a sleek, contoured design that feels comfortable in your hand when firing. The extended beavertail stabilizes your hand hold against recoil.

Easy to Install!
Just use the punch provided to remove your standard pin, slip on the Sabre™, and insert the LaserMax pin. Align for windage and elevation and you're good to go!

Select your Mode!
The Sabre™ master switch at the back of the beavertail sets beam for off (left), continuous on (middle), or Hi-Vis pulsating for fastest acquisition (right).

Easy Battery Change!
The batteries go in the beavertail. Laser alignment will not be affected by changing the batteries of your Sabre™.

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