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RONI Pistol-Carbine Conversion for GLOCK

505.00 € with VAT

RONI weapon glock.jpg
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Convert your Glock to an accurate assault rifle within seconds.

NOTE: It is necessary to mention at your order if you are using one of the following Glock models – 18, 26, 27, 34, 35.
The #RONI (pat-pending) provides you a better grip, stability & platform to many accessories. Now you can use your pistol for a greater range, faster aiming, better accuracy.

No pistol disassembly required -just "drop" it into the shell.
It is mandatory that the pistol has the integrated below rail.
24cm upper flattop rail - allows combinations of sight, magnifier or night vision.
Three Picatinny rails for additional accessories.
Optional to add flip-up Backup sights (#FRS / #FFS).
Accepts silencers - up to 35.5mm diameter.
Optional to add quick release brass-catcher.
Including Detachable folding forearm grip, rear spare magazine holder  & a safety-catch for the trigger's guard.

The Roni-G1 fits several types of Glocks (17,18*,19,22,23,25, 26*, 27*,31,32,34*,35*).
Eligibility For  Various Glocks
Material Made Of  Alum+Poly
Measurements Weight (gr)  1400
Length (cm)  47-56
Rails Total  4

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