Untitled document RES (Rescue Escape and Survival) Developed on the technical specifications of the REOS, a helicopter unit in the Italian Army, and part of the Special Operations Forces. The REOS, organic to the 1st "Antares" Army Aviation Regiment is the first flight unit established to provide air support to Special Operations. Flights Crew are qualified following a training cycle held by Special Forces instructors organic to the aviation battallion. Flight Crews are trained to operate in a non permissive environment, in night time, low visibility and marginal weather conditions, ensuring concealed mission profiles. The expected functions are: • to cut through seatbelts • to break glass and Plexiglas • field work (for building shelters or tools in hostile territory). This is a folding tool with three blades. The first with a liner lock mechanism is a pointed blade for general use. The second, with a liner lock mechanism is a wood blade with a double row of serrations, and its tip extends beyond the form of the handle to provide a nodule for shattering glass. The third, which has an automatic mechanism, activated by pressing a button on one side of the handle opens to 140° and is not pointed (to avoid injuring the user when cutting through ropes or belts). All the blades are blocked when open and the automatic blade cannot be opened when the blade for general use is being employed. The blades are made from N690 ERMS and tempered at 58HRC. The Handles are in Anticorodal aluminium, with perforations for lightness and milling which favours a firm grip even when the user is wearing gloves or in wet or muddy conditions. A side clip protects the button that opens the belt cutting blade from being pressed accidentally. A hidden ring on the back of the handle allows for a lace to be attached or can be reinserted within the silhouette of the handle. All the steel parts are in stainless steel and burnished while those in aluminium are anodized black. WEIGHT: g 185 BLADE LENGHT: mm 85 OVERALL LENGHT: mm 210 LUNGHEZZA (CLOSED) : mm 126 BLADE THICKNESS (MAIN): mm 2,5 BLADE THICKNESS (EMERGENCY): mm 2,5 BLADE STEEL: N690 (58HRC) HANDLE MATERIAL: ANTICORODAL SERRATION ON THE BLADE: NO FINISHING AND COATING: ANODIZED HANDLE, TESTUDO BLADE |