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Panther Vest

1 488.00 € with VAT

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All EnGarde products come with a 10 year warranty for the ballistic properties. For the same long warranty you must usually buy two vests from competitive manufacturers!  

The recently improved EnGarde Panther model is a tactical police vest which combines maximum protection with unmatched mobility. This vest provides NIJ Level IIIA protection. The protection level can be increased to NIJ Level III or NIJ Level IV by inserting a hard armor plate in front and back. The vest includes a removable neck/shoulder protection.

The EnGarde Panther Vest comes with a 10 year warranty for the ballistic properties of the vest.

Police officers of the Slovak Republic Police Department tested the EnGarde body armor products for a month during routine working days. Click here to see the results of this 30-day wearing test.

Ballistic material: DYNEEMA®
Ballistic technology: ENGARDEIIIA-PRO
Carrier material: Nylon (aerial weight 240-320g/m2)

NIJ protection level: IIIA
Weight: 4.5 kg / 10 lbs (vest, including neck/shoulder + groin protection)

NIJ protection level: IV (vest + inserts)
Weight: 10.3 kg / 22.5 lbs (with 2x Level IV ceramic/dyneema ICW 3D inserts)

Color: navy blue
Removable groin protection


S1 488 €
M1 565 €
L1 604 €
XL1 681 €
XXL1 720 €
XXXL1 758 €

For information about price of EnGarde Panther NIJ III, please send us email.

For more information, please visit web pages:



For detailed test results of the ENGARDEIIIA-PRO please click here

EnGarde vests comply with the NIJ 2005 standard (US National Institute of Justice) and with the strict German standard SK1 (Technische Richtlinie 12/2003).


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