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OA-15 M5 Target .223Rem.

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The OA-15 M5 Target is the match-version of our popular midlength model. It comes with detachable carrying handle (installed NM rear sight aperture .040 and 0.030 holes and NM front sight post .050), 2-stage NM Match Trigger, DCM NM free float tube, Like with every OA-15 rifle we use a button-rifled, stress relieved Lothar Walther stainless steel heavy match barrel with 0,750 diam. the barrel is already coated black, 14/1-thread and flashhider are included as well.

Technische Daten/specification:
Kaliber/caliber:    .223Rem.
Lauflänge/barrel lenght:    163 -Zoll / 425mm 
Drall/twist:    203mm (6-Züge/Rechtsdrall)
1-8” twist (6 grooves/right-handed) 
Gesamtlänge/overall length:    910mm
eingeschoben/collapsed:    830mm 
Gewicht mit leerem Magazin/weight:    4,0kg 
Magazinkapazität/capacity:    10 Patronen

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