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OA-15 M1 Heavy Barrel .223Rem.

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OA-15 M1 Heavy Barrel .223Rem..jpg
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To save some weight, we also offer the OA-15 M1 with heavy barrels, 18mm muzzle diam. As an option flash hiders and compensators are available. You can order this rifle with hundreds of options already installed, choose from our big range of different, grips, stocks handguards and accessories.

Technische Daten/specification:

Kaliber/caliber:    .223Rem.

Lauflänge/barrel lenght:   

Drall/twist:    203mm(6-Züge/Rechtsdrall)
1-8” twist (6 grooves/right-handed)

Gesamtlänge/overall length:   

Gewicht mit leerem Magazin/weight:   

Magazinkapazität/capacity:    10 Patronen

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