

Nightvision devices in Gen.3 with white phosphor available now.

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NVRS-LVLD-8048 Gen.2+

4 250.00 € with VAT

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Only for military and law enforcement customers.


• Hunting / Night surveilance 
• Police / Law enforcement
• Patrol / Rescue / Search
• Night Photo / Video


• 4x and 6x magnification
• Gen II+, XD-4, XR-5
• Shockproof even with heavy recoil (incl. .50 cal.)
• Special high light transmission optics
• Long eye relief
• Precision MIL-DOT reticle with adjustable brightness
• Precision tactical windage/elevation adjustment (6mm up to 10mm /100m or 1/4 MOA up to 1/2MOA)
• Built in powerful hazard-freeadjustable IR illuminator (75 mW) 
• Wide range of mounts
• Water resistance
• Light weight

Technical characteristics:


Magnification, x2.44.8
Field of view, deg11.58.2
Objective100 mmF/1.3165 mmF/1.8
Eye relief distance, mm45
Diopter setting, D+3, −4
Dimensions, mm280×80×75360×90×105
Weight, kg0.801.0
The power supply — battery of a type AA2 pc
Feed voltage, V3
Battery life, hmin. 60

Image intensifier tube:

Image IntensifierGen. 2+
S/N ratio14-18
Photocathode sensitivity500-550
Lifetime4 000 hours
ResolutionMin. 36-50





Conditions of the work:

Operating temperature−40 °C to +50 °C
Relative humidity, %up to 98

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