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LRB 7x50

985.86 € with VAT

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The LRB 7x50 provides users with a binocular range finder that offers high quality optics and completely new digital technology, achieving better distance accuracy. The unit substitutes for a set of 7x50 binoculars and a monocular rangefinder. The outstanding 50 millimeters fast objective lenses allow a sharp and clear image under all conditions. LRB 7x50 shutters the price barrier. Selling retail bellow 1,000$ US, it has absolutely no competition in its class.


Measuring range 20 – 1 500 m
Field of view5o
Objective lens50 mm
AccuracyMax. 1 m
Speed detectionNo
Battery9 V
Weight1 300 g



Instant and accurate distance measurement

Reticle selection (cross or rectangular)

Laser active indicator

Target quality indicator

Variable measurement units (Meters, Yards)

Last 10 readings recall


The price doesn´t include the shipment from Canada to Europe. 



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