

Nightvision devices in Gen.3 with white phosphor available now.

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NVD-NORS173 Gen.1+

932.75 € with VAT

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Recognition range of view is over 100m with light conditions comparable to 1/4 Moon or over 80m in total darkness with the use of IR illuminator.

• Highest quality all glass optics: low distortion and high light transmission
• Highest quality tube
• 500x light amplification
• Cleaner field of view
• Illuminated "Mil-Dot" reticle
• Adjustable brightness reticle
• Shock resistant on large calibers (including .375 H&H 416 Rigby)
• Durable construction
• Top-Mount Lever Internal Focus Mechanism
• High quality, super light sensitive optics
• Built-in variable illumination (3-stage), focusable Infrared Illuminator
• 80m+ Meter Viewing Distance
• Accepts Weaver Mount Ergonomic Control Cluster - Readily accessible in shooting position

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