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Nighthawk Vickers Tactical 5

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One of the most well known names in the shooting industry is Larry Vickers. Larry is a decorated veteran that served his country for over 20 years as a Green Beret and member of the U.S. Army's elite Delta Force. Recently retired from the military in an active role, he is being sought out by military and police agencies for the invaluable training he can provide. Larry is also a member of the American Pistolsmith Guild, and his 1911s are some of the most sought after custom guns on the market. Larry contacted us, and told us about his new business, in which he will offer training full time, and the good news is, that even civilians will be able to attend some of these classes. Since he will be training full time, he will no longer be building custom 1911s. That is why we were so excited when he contacted us. Larry realized that we share the same commitment to building the finest 1911, and he has chosen us to build one that will carry his name on it. Needless to say, we are proud to offer the newest member of the Nighthawk Custom™ family of guns, the Vickers Tactical™.

The new Vickers Tactical™ will be built exactly to Larry’s specifications and will bear the serial number prefix beginning with LV00021 and will progress from that point. Each one will come with a certificate of authenticity and a letter personally signed by Larry. The frame is one that Larry created and has Caspian Arms produce. It has an integral extended magazine well, as well as a plunger tube that is part of the frame, and not staked on. The new Vickers Tactical™ will have front and rear cocking serrations, a trigger designed by Larry and Hilton Yam, and will be completely de-horned the way Larry has prescribed. Everything on the gun has meticulously been gone over by Larry to the last detail. Grips will be Strider in brown.

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