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Nighthawk Heinie PDP

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Heinie Commander 4,25 a.jpg

Meet the newest entry to the Nighthawk Custom lineup, the HeiniePDP (Personal Defense Package). The PDP is one of the most popular guns that Heinie built while he was still taking orders.

For those who want something a little more compact in a carry gun, the PDP may just be your answer. Take a look at the features below and see if this is the one you have been waiting for.


• Forged Frame and 4.25" Slide
• Scalloped Front Strap and Mainspring Housing
• Mag Well beveled and contoured for carry
• Ejection port wider and lower than normal
• Extended combat safety hand beveled and rounded at end
• Heinie Match Hammer, Sear, and Disconnector
• Heinie Match Grade Barrel
• Heinie Thick Bushing and Plug
• Heinie Aluminum Trigger set to 3-3/4 pounds
• Tactical Magazine release w/overtravel stop
• Highly polished feed ramp
• Tool Steel firing pin stop slightly radiused
• Tool Steel Extractor
• Coco Bolo Grips with Heinie Logo
• Heinie Logo on rear of slide behind cocking serrations

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