

Nightvision devices in Gen.3 with white phosphor available now.

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Nighthawk GRP Recon 5"

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Most of the time, trouble occurs after the sun goes down. Law Enforcement agencies are keenly aware of this, which accounts for why we sell so many GRP Recon Pistols to active duty police officers. It provides them a level of protection by illuminating whatever situation that they may be sent to, and it speaks with the authority that only comes from a 45caliber weapon in a gunfight. 

The GRP RECON comes with all the features of our proven GRP, but includes a frame that has an integrated rail for tactical lights. It comes standard in any color, or combination of colors, of Perma Kote™, but you can also opt for Diamond Finish.


Height: 5 5/8"
5" Barrel Length
Extended tactical
2 lb. 7 oz.
Tactical single-side or Ambi-safety available
Heinie Slant Pro Straight-Eight Night Sights or Novak Night Sights available
Perma Kote™ finish in Black, Sniper Gray, Green, Desert Tan, Titanium Blue, Hard Chrome, Diamond Black also available.
Single action only 

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