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Nighthawk FLX

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Flex your Firepower Muscle
When our customers kept asking for double stack guns in 9mm and 45acp we were at a loss as to what to do. We already had several models in many different configurations and options, but none were available in high-capacity. It was inevitable that everyone would want something a little different on each one if we were to put out just one model. The solution became obvious. We decided to offer three of our best selling models, the GRP, Talon and Dominator with a flexible option to upgrade to a double-stack known as the FLX (pronounced flex) upgrade.

The new FLX upgrade allows you to have all of the features of the aforementioned models, but in a high-capacity version. The frame itself is steel. Only the grip is made from a polymer material. This lightens the frame enough to help offset the additional weight of carrying the extra rounds.

FLX upgrade are available in the following configurations:

– 9mm
– 45acp
- 9mm
- 45acp
- 9mm only
Standard 45acp magazine capacity is 12 rounds with optional 14 round magazines available upon request.
Standard 9mm magazine capacity is 17 rounds with 20 or 26 round magazines available upon request.

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