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Nighthawk Dominator 5

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The Dominator is the newest entry to the Nighthawk Custom line of finely crafted custom 1911s. It has an impressive array of custom features that are standard which you would pay several hundred dollars more for if you bought it somewhere else. This is a continuance of our tradition of offering our customers more value for money spent versus our competitors. These features showcase the level of skill the Master Gunsmiths of Nighthawk Custom have, and define what sets us apart from our competitors. Take a second to look over the specifications and see if this is one you have been waiting for.


• Nighthawk Custom fully adjustable sights that fit a Bo-Mar sight cut. Yellow tritium inserts in rear and green tritium in front. All inserts have white rings for good daytime acquisition. Blade has anti-snag pyramid shape.
• 5” Match Grade barrel w/bushing.
• Barrel is crowned and beveled flush with the bushing
• Hard Chrome frame w / Black Perma Kote™ slide
• Serrated slide top
• 25 Line-per-inch checkering on the front strap and mainspring housing
• Searrated rear of slide
• Complete de-horn and ready for carry
• Coco-bolo grips with laser engraved Nighthawk Custom logo
• Front and rear cocking serrations

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