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MPB Multi-Purpose Bag

173.00 € with VAT

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Product Details:
Main: 14" x 10" x 6" with Velcro Divider
Front: 9" x 6" x 2" with ID/Pen Holder
Rear: 5" x 5" x 2" and 5" x 4" x 2"
Sides: 13" x 9.5" x 2"
Carry: 2" Strap w/ Non-slip Shoulder Pad
Optional Accessories: Grimloc Carabiner
Color Options: Black / Green / Khaki
Capacity: 1830 cu. in / 30 liters

The MAXPEDITION MPB Multi-Purpose Bag  is a straightforward, professional multi-purpose briefcase with 30L of space and 22 independent carrying compartments. Inside you will find removable stiff panels for separating your gear and for attaching any accessories equipped with velcro. Whether you are conducting business in the luxury of a downtown high-rise or the rugged great outdoors, you will find the clean-cut lines of the MPB and its ultra-durable nylon construction to fit all your carrying needs. Suitable for use with your laptop computer, documents, digital accessories, shooting / hunting / range gear, and anything else that can be carried, even the most delicate photographic or filming equipment.

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