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Mark 4 8.5-25x50mm ER/T M1 Front Focal

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Mark 4 8.5-25x50mm ER T M1 Front Focal a.jpg
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Every feature was put in place for one purpose: to help you get the maximum peformance from your long-range firearms, at the range, hunting, or in a tactical environment.

- The Leupold® Index Matched Lens System® delivers superior resolution from edge to edge of the visual field – even at 25x – along with peak image brightness and optimal contrast.
- Side focus parallax adjustment for fast, easy parallax focusing from 75 yards to infinity, from any shooting position.
- M1 windage and elevation adjustment dials with audible, tactile 1-MOA clicks.
- 60-MOA each of windage and elevation adjustment range.
- The reticle magnifies the reticle along with the image, so you can estimate range at any magnification setting.
- Available with the Mil Dot or Tactical Milling Reticle (TMR™).
- These reticles are ideal in tactical situations, but also provide greater accuracy of range estimation for hunters and target shooters. 
- The 30mm maintube offers incredible strength and allows for the greater range of windage and elevation adjustment.
- Flip-open lens covers are standard issue with the Mark 4® ER/T riflescope.
- Durable, subdued matte black finish.
- Rugged and absolutely waterproof, the ER/T is built to Leupold Mark 4 standards, and can withstand incredible abuse.


Length (A)

14.5 in
Tube Length (B)6.5 in
(C)2.6 in
(D)2.4 in
Eyepiece Length (E)3.2 in
Objective Length (F)4.9 in
Objective Diameter (G)2.3 in
Eyepiece Diameter (H)1.7 in
Tube Diameter (I)30 mm
Actual Magnification25.1 (8.2)
FOV @ 100 yds (ft)4.4 (11.2)
FOV @ 100 m (m)1.4 (3.7)
Eye Relief (in)3.7 (5.3)
Eye Relief (mm)94 (134)
Obj. Clear Aperture 2.0 in / 50 mm
Weight22.5 oz / 638 g
Elevation Adj. Range (MOA)60
Windage Adj. Range (MOA)60

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