

Nightvision devices in Gen.3 with white phosphor available now.

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15 136.40 € with VAT

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Only for military and law enforcement customers.

LVLlM-14 enables law enforcement personnel to see heat signatures of objects, people, and other sources. LVLlM-14 detects extremely small differences in temperature, so that officers can distinguish people from their immediate surroundings. Needing no light to operate, the LVLlM-14 generates high-quality images on the darkest nights, even through smoke and fog. Compare that to conventional night vision equipment, which requires light or special illuminators and is incapacitated by smoke, fog, and often other particulates. While darkness and camouflage can defeat night vision, suspects cannot hide from LVLlM-14. Their own body heat gives them away. LVLlM-14 thermal imager is a powerful tool for tactical, surveillance and scene assessment applications. Its small size, light weight and convenient bi-ocular eyepiece make the LVLlM-14 simple and yet, very effective in operation. Law enforcement and public safety officers can use thermal imaging technology to conduct hidden compartment searches, perimeter surveillance, marine or ground surveillance, safer flights, structure profiling activities, fugitive and rescue searches, disturbed surface investigations, pollutant searches and vehicle pursuits. In fire and rescue applications, thermal imaging is used to conduct scene size up, in-fire attack, search and rescue, hazmat assessments and post-fire overhaul. LVLlM-14 can be used as a hand held, head/helmet or weapon mountable. 

Law enforcement and public safety officers can use thermal imaging technology to conduct hidden compartment searches, perimeter surveillance, marine or ground surveillance, safer flights,  structure  profiling  activities,  fugitive and rescue searches, disturbed surface investigations,  pollutant  searches  and vehicle pursuits.

LVLlM-14 is powerful tool for tactical, surveillance and scene assessment applications. Its small size and light weight make the LVLlM-14 simple and yet, very effective and convenient in operation.

Needing no light to operate, LVLlM-14  generates highquality images on the darkest nights, even through smoke and fog. Compare that to conventional night vision equipment, which requires light or special illuminators and is incapacitated by smoke, fog, and often other particulates.

While darkness and camouflage can defeat night vision, suspects cannot hide from TlM-14. Their own body heat gives them away.

In fire and rescue applications, thermal imaging is used to conduct scene size up, in-fire attack, search and rescue, hazmat assessments and post-fire overhaul. LVLlM-14 can be used as hand held, weapon, head or helmet mounted and for long range observation with “snap-on” lens which allows to increase optical magnification up to 3X.


• CNC Machined, strong, durable Aircraft Aluminum Body.
• Digital Zoom 2X.
• Black Hot/White Hot polarity switch.
• High Performance Color Display.
• Mil. Spec. Manual Gain (Brightness) Control.
• Mil. Spec. Universal Service Connector allows: Video-Out, External Power-In, Service USB Out.
• Small, Light Weighted, Rugged, Fully Sealed and   Fully Sealed, Waterproof body.
• Video-Out: standard RCA, cable included.


Lens Size                                 25 mm        16 mm          8.5 mm
Field of View                            11 x 8 deg.  17 x 12 deg.  32 x 24 deg.
Magnification                            1.7X           1.4X            1X
Detection range of human figure   475 m         305 m          170 m
Detection range of Working Car    900 m         550 m          300 m
Lens Material                            Ge              Ge              Ge


F.P.A. MaterialAmorphous SiliconMicrobolometer, Uncooled
Spectral Responce7-14 um
F.P.A. Format160 x 120
Video Signal Resolution640 x 480  NTSC
Display Type & Resolution640 x 480 color VGA
Diopters Adjustments+2/-6
Powered By:2 pc. 3V lithium batteries
Continuous Operating Time on one set of batteries.Over 4 hours
Dimensions:125 x 72 x 65 mm
Weight400 grams


• B&W or Full colorization of displays.
• 50 mm “snap-on” germanium lens.
• Head Gear “PBS-7” type. (Flip Up)
• Helmet Mount “PVS-7” type.
• Helmet Mount “PBS-7” type. (Flip Up)
• Quick Release Weaponmount.
• Shuttered, self closing Eye Guard.
• “Cross Hair” reticle.
• External Li-Ion Battery Pack with charger (good for up to 8 hours continuous use).
• Video-Out-To USB Adapter & Software.

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