

Nightvision devices in Gen.3 with white phosphor available now.

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LRB 3000 PRO

1 790.81 € with VAT

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Advanced LRB 3000 PRO model brings the maximum distance range to the astonishing 3 kilometers, which earlier was possible only with military devices available at skyrocketing prices. In addition, LRB 3000 PRO is equipped with digital compass, which makes it absolutely irreplaceable for hunters, travellers and nature lovers. The unit has automatic display illumination for better readability in darkness. This model is equipped with a built-in speed detector.

Measuring range 20 – 3 000 m
Field of view6o
Objective lens40 mm
AccuracyMax. 1 m
Azimuth / Speed detectionYes / Yes
Battery9 V
Weight970 g



Instant and accurate distance measurement

Reticle selection (cross or rectangular)

Laser active indicator

Target quality indicator

Azimuth (Compass) function 

Variable measurement units (Meters, Yards, Degrees, KMH, MPH)

Last 10 readings recall


The price doesn´t include the shipment from Canada to Europe. 



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