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K9 Bullet Proof Vest

985.86 € with VAT

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The GAH K9 Vest has been developed to offer vital protection to police or military dogs deployed during explosive search or public events such as sporting matches.

The K9 Vest is produced using a heavy weight Cordura material and is secured to the dog using adjustable Velcro elastic strapping. The vest provides full heart protection and offers a large area of cover of .6m2 without restricting the duties of the dog. In addition removable badges, a facility to attach the dog lead and a quick grab strap are also attached to the vest.

The GAH K9 vest is one size fits all.

Hand Carry Bag

Protection Levels
Dual Purpose Protection
Wide range of armour available all approved to Home Office Scientific Development Branch Standards.

- HG1/A/KR1
- HG1/KR1/SP1
- HG1/A/KR2
- HG1/KR2/SP2
- HG2/KR2/SP2

Stab Protection
Sole stab proof armour defeating KR2 threats

Ballistic Protection
Wide range of armour available tested in accordance with National Institute of Justice Standards.


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