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J-Max for Smith & Wesson

252.00 € with VAT

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LMS-JMX-NH for most round butt, fully enclosed hammer J-frame styles
LMS-JMX-H for most round butt, exposed or shrouded hammer J-frame styles

Shoot Better, Every Time!
Enhances shooting accuracy with S&W J-frame revolvers. Adjustable windage and elevation settings for precise alignment.

Better by Design!
We have the laser in the right place! Positioned high along the bore line for maximum shooting accuracy, you never have to worry about blocking the beam with the LaserMax J-Max laser. Your trigger finger is along the frame until you are ready to shoot, in keeping with firearms safety training.

Don’t give yourself away!
Touch buttons on either side of the grip give you the on/off control - highly desired in a tactical or personal defense situation!

Select your mode!
Choose from Hi-Vis pulsating beam or continuous wave (constant on) beam. Highest laser power output commercially available, 635 nm red-orange laser.

Turn it on!
The J-Max can be activated from either side. Press the button once and the laser activates,
press it again and it turns off. Firing grip is maintained while turning laser on/off
- for maximum accuracy!

Feel the difference!
Recoil absorbing Santoprene® grips with low profile design contoured to your hand. Handy compartments for your alignment tool and a spare set of batteries, too! Battery changes will not change alignment!

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