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IR Illuminator LVL-530-2 LED

207.50 € with VAT

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The IR Illuminator LVL-530-2 LED is a one of the most powerful LED infrared illuminators available in the market. Designed primarily to be used with Koflar´s night vision devices, this IR illuminator is also suitable for all night vision devices on the market. Incorporated high-power infrared LED (light emitting diode) is completely safe for eyes. Angle of radiation can be adjusted from 5 to 8 degrees.


Power of radiation600 mW/sr (100mW)
Wavelength of radiation800 nm
Angle of radiation5…8 degrees
Max. range300m
Power supply3 V, 2XAAA batteries
Battery life2 hours
Weight140 g
Dimensions (LXD)130x32 mm
Reliability50 000 hours
Temperatures range-30…+40 deg. C

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