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IR Illuminator LVL-530-1000-810 LAS

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The IR Illuminator LVL-530-1000-810 LAS is a powerful infrared illuminator designed to be used with CCD cameras and night vision devices for long-range operation at night. Specially designed lens system with raster of micro lenses gives round and uniform spot and allows illuminating objects on distances up to 2000 meters (depends on sensor) in total darkness. Divergence of the beam can be adjusted from 1 deg. to 5 deg. Output power of laser radiation is adjusted by the switch. Power supply works from DC 12 V.


Power of radiationIR-530-1000-810-250 mW IR-530-1000-810-0.5W
Laser classIIIb
Radiation wavelength810+/-5 nm
Output power, max250 mW (controlled)500 mW (con­trolled)
Max. range of operation1500 m2000 m
Divergence of radiation1 deg. to 10 deg.
Power supplyDC 12 V, 500mADC 12 V, 1A
Overall dimensions (LXD)150mmX 51mm
Temperatures range-10 deg.C… 40 deg.C

CAUTION! Prevent from lighting with IR laser illuminator a human face closer than 150 meters away.

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