

Nightvision devices in Gen.3 with white phosphor available now.

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FT 7/9

450.00 € with VAT

FT9 FT7.jpg
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The FT 9 – FT 7 models are compact-sized semi-automatic double action pistols. They have a blow back system while the slide and barrel are reduced in weight and length. The small dimensions and calibers make these models ideal for concealable carry. They are available in both F version (with “cocked and locked” safety mounted on the frame) and R version (with an ambidextrous firing pin safety mounted on the slide that works as a hammer decocker). The FT 7 model is chambered in caliber .32ACP (7,65mm) while the FT 9 model is chambered in caliber .380ACP (9mm Short).

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