

Nightvision devices in Gen.3 with white phosphor available now.

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The newest edition to our custom line of firearms, the Falcon has already set a sales record since its premier at the 2011 SHOT. It's easy to see why when you look at the sleek lines, as well as the practical features which make it a formidable fighting weapon. One of the new features includes the introduction of our new one-piece fully machined mainspring / magwell combination cut from a 2 1" block of tool steel. Rather than coming to a sharp point at the base of the grip, the integrated mainspring housing / magwell is rounded for comfort while not sacrificing any grip length. It assists in reducing print thru clothing while carrying concealed. You will not find a stronger part. Sights are the new Heinie Ledge which allows the rear sight to be used to cycle the slide with one hand should need arise. Three ball-radius cuts run the full length of the slide top to direct your eyes quickly to the front sight. The rear cocking serrations are a series of eight ball radius cuts per side instead of our normal serration pattern. The rear of the slide is hand-serrated at 40lpi which matches the rear of the Heinie Ledge Sight. The barrel bushing is an extra thick variety which is chamfered around the edges. The front of the slide has been recessed where the front cocking serrations would normally be and the barrel crowned to complete the custom look. Barrel choices include our proprietary gunsmith-fit Match-Grade Stainless Steel barrel or our new full-fit Match-Grade Carbon Steel barrels made for us by Kart. Grips are golf-ball dimple pattern G10s in your choice of Coyote Tan, Black or OD Green with or without the Nighthawk logo.

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