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EOTech Lens Covers

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Only for military and law enforcement customers.

Will Fit The EOTech 511, 512, 551, And 552

There is little doubt that the EOTech Holosight is one of the best red dot sights available today. However, our customers have told us that they think it is missing an important element-LENS COVERS. We think they were right, so we developed a set that is easy to install and operate.
The New GG&G EOTech Lens Covers fit between the EOTech hood and the body of the EOTech housing. They are spring operated so that once pressure is applied to release them from the closed position they spring open. The rear cover lays across the top, so as not to interfere with the field of view. The front cover opens and serves as a sun shield. However, if heavy brush etc. is encountered, the front lens will fold back so that it is not damaged. Because of the contours of the EOTech housing, these lens covers are not 100% waterproof, but they do prevent most dust, debris, rain and snow from accumulating on the lenses. These unique lens covers can be easily operated with either hand to provide flexibility of operation. We think the design and methodology is so unique, we applied for a patent.
GG&G Scope Lens Covers fit models 511, 512, 551, and 552, and serve double duty by preventing glare when they are not in use. The rear lens cover for the EoTech scope folds onto the top of the protective hood, allowing for unimpeded aiming. As with all GG&G products, the lens covers for the EoTech are made in the USA at our Tucson Arizona factory.

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