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EOTech G23 FTS

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The 3X magnifier is an affordable magnified solution that will transition a fielded HWS into a lethal medium range optic. Superior light transmission and a large field of view helps this magnifier put the competition to shame. This rugged, streamlined optic offers split-second transitioning from CQB to medium range targeting.

This is the 2nd Generation of L3 EOTech magnifiers.  It offers a half inch more eye relief, positions the windage and elevation adjustments inside of the optic rather than in the mount, less moving parts in the mount which makes the mount even more stable, and has a quick release thow lever on the bottom of the mount which allows the quick removal of both the optic and the mount.  This magnifier aligns perfectly with standard height sights and comes with a 7mm riser to accomadate the 7mm raised sights.

3x magnifier with Flip-To-Side mount and quick detach. Works with all existing HWS units.

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