

Nightvision devices in Gen.3 with white phosphor available now.

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DVS-8 Gen. 2+ DEP DST

3 954.00 € with VAT

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This device with image intesifier tube Gen.2+ DEP - Photonis in version DST has resolution 65-69 lp/mm (typical ), S/N Ratio 22-26, photocathode sensitivity 675-736 µA/lum and gain between 9 850x - 11 070x. Lifetime is minimal 4000-6000+ hours. This is definitely not DEP 0 version. Real parameters DEP DST are in general much higher against minimal guaranteed parameters and parameters DEP 0 too.

DVS-8 is “single tube, dual eye” Night Vision goggles that is similar to the well known in Industry AN/PVS-7 system . Utilizing latest starlight technology its compact and ergonomic design includes built-in three stage Infrared illuminator i.e. Short-Medium-Long range of illumination. An Infrared indicator and low battery warning is fibre optically displayed within the user's field of view. Fully adjustable, padded Headgear allows the unit to be flipped-up or quickly detached from the mask. Optional 4X, 7X or even 10X! magnification multicoated lens will convert this device into a high performance long range binoculars DVS-8B, DVS-8B7 or DVS-8B10.

DVS-8 can be supplied with optional helmet mount bracket assembly and long range infrared illuminator spot flood focusable lens. Night Vision Goggles DVS-8 lightweight, waterproof, rugged, precisely built and easy to use product.

Unique Features:

• Light Weight & small size.
• Multi Use design.
• Mil. Spec. fast optical lenses.
• Very sensitive to infrared.
• High Photoresponce

DVS-8 Tech. Data & Characteristics: 

Intensifier tubeGen. 2+ DEP DST
Resolution65-69 lp/mm
Lens System26 mm f1.2
Field of View40°
Range of FocusFrom 25 mm to infinity
Diopter Adjustment+6/-4
Waterproof, submersibleUp to 2 m
Built in Infrared Illuminator3 stage
Batteries type2 pcs. AA
Battery Life40+ hours
Weight410 grams

DVS-8 Optical Features:

Field of View40°10°
Lens Size (mm)26100165205
Lens “F” number1.
Detection range of human   figure size object, quarter moon, XD4 IIT used (m) 150250500700
Detection range of Vehicle  size object, quarter moon, XD4 IIT used (m)2504007001000


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