

Nightvision devices in Gen.3 with white phosphor available now.

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SM-3S2 4x Gen 2+

3 080.40 € with VAT

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Only for military and law enforcement customers.


● shock resistance 600 G 

long-range of supervision

 the built-in red lit reticle with adjustable brightness control

 special light-powerful optics without distortion

 precision windage/elevation adjustment

 photo-sensitive sensor for protection of the image tube from accidental light overload


PhotocathodeS-25 Multi-alkaline
Field of view12 deg.
GainMin. 20 000
Max. range of operation300m
Diopter adjustment+/-3 diopter
Battery3V, 2XAA size
Operating temperatures range-30 to +45 deg.
Sighting line correction scale value
in the vertical and in the horizontal
2.5 cm on a distance of 100 m
Weight0.85 kg


The mounts are weaver types. 

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