

Nightvision devices in Gen.3 with white phosphor available now.

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DN 532

4 954.89 € with VAT

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Only for military and law enforcement customers.


-Night surveillance / Hunting
-Patrol / Search & Rescue
-Police / Law Enforcement / Military


-Interchangeable day and night eyepieces maintain rifle's zero

-Night eyepiece can be used as a stand-alone monocular (1x or 3x with an additional lens)

-Unique high quality specialty day/night optics (100mm/F1.5 or 166mm/F2.0), ensuring:

-Long range of vision (450-1000 m - at low levels of light exposure and more than 100-250 m for no-light situations with IR illuminator)

-Effective use under star lights (10-3 Lx) and night cloudy sky (10-4 Lx)

-Wide field of view
-Variable power
-Wide range focus adjustment

-Comfort of observation

-Precision internal windage / elevation adjustments with tactile audible clicks and fine 1/4 MoA step

-Water resistant

-Optional powerful IR illuminator (35, 75 or 200 mW)

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