

Nightvision devices in Gen.3 with white phosphor available now.

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D-192 Gen. 2+ DEP XR5 Select

8 713.40 € with VAT

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Only for military and law enforcement customers.

The D-192 is the recently invented Night Vision Riflescope which features: *Mil-dot, Red lit reticle "cross hair" type *Adjustable brightness control of the reticle *Precise internal widage/elevation adjustments of the reticle * Built-in powerful Infrared Illuminator *Scope comes with the low profile standard US Weaver type of mount and weaver rail for easy mounting *Very light, small and reliable weaponsight.


Field of view11 deg.
ResolutionMin. 72 lp/mm
S/N ratioMin. 28
MTTFMin. 15 000 hours
Multicoated fast lensf1,5/85mm
Diopter adjustment+/- 5
Power supply2 pcs. AA batteries
Battery lifeMin. 40 hours
Rozmery203 x 76 x 64 mm
Operting temperature–40 to +50
Weight875 g
Range of focus10 m to infinity

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