

Nightvision devices in Gen.3 with white phosphor available now.

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D-180 (100) Gen.1

1 161.79 € with VAT

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Only for military and law enforcement customers.

Company Dedal-NV was created in 1991 (in the period of strong competition among 50 Russian enterprises that worked in night vision systems production) on the base of Russian state defense industry enterprise in the course of defense industry conversion. 


• Hunting / Night surveilance
• Patrol / Rescue / Search


• Special high light transmission optics with inner focusing of the objective
• Long eye relief distance
• Illuminated red reticle type MIL-DOT 
• Powerful hazard-free adjustable IR illuminator(75 mW) 
• Wide range of mounts
• Water resistance
• Light weight and compact

Technical characteristics:


Magnification, x1.8(3.6)2.8
Field of view, deg17(8)10
Objective64 mmF/1.2100 mmF/1.5
Eye relief distance, mm45
Diopter setting, D+4, −4
Overal dimensions, mm190×89×79280×89×79
Weight, kg0.700.83
The power supply — battery of a type AA2
Feed voltage, V3
Battery life, h60

Image intensifier tube:

Type tubeGen. I
Photocathode sensitivity, µA/lmmin. 240
Resolution, lp/mm32-40

Conditions of the work:

Operating temperature−40 °C to +50 °C
Relative humidity, %up to 98

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