

Nightvision devices in Gen.3 with white phosphor available now.

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ATN Voyager Gen.2+ 2IA

2 635.00 € with VAT

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This device with image intesifier tube Gen.2+ 2IA has resolution 40-48 lp/mm.

Long range,crystal clear viewing is you get with the ATN Voyager. 4.5x magnification combined with a top of the line 2nd generation 25mm mil. spec. Image intensifier tube makes the Voyager one of the best surveillance night vision devices made. The Voyager comes standard with all of our proprietary Smart features such as digital controls, 100-yard infrared illuminator and a computerized proximity saensor that automatically turns the unit on or off. A unique panoramic eyepiece lets the user comfortably look through the Voyager with both eyes.This helps prevent eye fatique while using the unit over extended periods of time.Whether you are in Law Enforcement, a private investigator or in the neighborhood watch the Voyager is must for your surveillance purposes or crime prevention.


Total darkness tech.

"Smart" tech. Standard
Microprocessor Phillips
Magnification 4.5X
Intensifier tube High res. 2nd gen. American
Detection range 400m
Recognition range 250m
Lens system 6 (9) element, F1.8, 120mm
FOV 12 deg.
Diopter adjustment +/- 5
Resolution 40-48 lp/mm
Power supply Two 3 volt lithium
Range of focus 10' to infinity
Controls Digital
Battery life 10-20 hours
Dimensions 375x108x118 mm
Weight 1.8 kg

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