

Nightvision devices in Gen.3 with white phosphor available now.

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ATN Trident Pro 2 Gen.2+ Prestige AG

2 366.73 € with VAT

Untitled document This device with image intesifier tube Gen.2+ Prestige has resolution min. 64 lp/mm, S/N Ratio min. 21, photocathode sensitivity min. 675 and gain 35 000-50 000. Lifetime is minimal 10 000 hours. IIT is Autogated. 

The ATN Trident Pro from ATN is a rugged, 2X night vision weapon sight that provides excellent observation, target acquisition and aiming capabilities for the demanding sports shooter or varmint hunter. The Trident is available in a variety of Image Intensifier Tube configurations to fit into a wide array of budgets. The best optics, tubes and performance make the ATN Trident Pro one of the best commercial night vision weapon sights there is.

• Professional Grade optics
• Illuminated center red reticle for optimal contrast against a dark or light target.
• Controls and adjustments are simple and easy to operate.
• All external surfaces are a non-reflective matte black finish (except for the optical elements).
• Flip up back-up iron sights
• Waterproof 20m, 1 hour
• Mounts to standard weaver rails.

• The reticle brightness varies from off to full bright with a push of a button.
• Trident Pro is designed to use 1 standard AA battery.
• A-focal 2x magnifier for 2.3x model only (optional)

Generation 2+
FOV20 deg.
Diopter adjustment+/-5
Focal lenght50 mm
F Number1.2
1 click1/2 MOA
Resolutionmin. 64 lp/mm
Power supplyone AA battery
IR illuminatorSuper 450mW
Operating temperature-40°C to +40°C
Battery life30-50 hours
Waterproof20m for 1 hour
ReticleRed On Green
Dimensions250 x 95 x 85 mm
Weight0.9 kg


A-focal Doubler (2X) -  287,13 EUR.  



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