

Nightvision devices in Gen.3 with white phosphor available now.

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ATN PS-22 Gen.2+ DEP XR5

7 213.00 € with VAT

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This device with image intesifier tube Gen.2+ DEP - Photonis in top version XR5 has resolution min. 64 lp/mm, S/N Ratio min. 25, photocathode sensitivity min. 700 and gain 30 000. Lifetime is minimal 15 000 hours. IIT is autogated.

The PS-22 is attachment for daytime riflescopes with 1x-6x (2.5x-4x are optimal) magnification that converting scope into a high quality, very accurate night vision weapon sight. The PS-22 mounts in front of daytime scope. Re-zeroing of scope not required. PS-22 comes standard with 7/8” weaver mount. There is also Adapter for ARMS quick release mount. Optional Ring Adapters allows to mount unit onto the objective of the day scope (25...58mm diameter). The IR illuminator can be mounted onto the optional Picatinny Rail. The PS-22 utilizes a 2nd Gen.+ or 3rd Gen. Image Intensifier Tube. This ingenious setup allows the shooter to go from day to night in less then 30 seconds without tools, without changes in eye relief and remain zeroed all around the clock. The PS-22 is a complex optical-electronic system. The device contains an image intensifier tube assembly with an integrated high voltage power source and the three volt battery housing.

• Easily changes daytime scope to Night Vision
• Mounts in front of daytime scope, no re-zeroing required
• Available in 2nd + and 3rd generation
• Multi-coated all glass optics
• Fast catadioptic front lens system
• Large 40mm eyepiece/output window
• Light weight and rugged
• Comes standard with 7/8” weaver mount
• Adapter for ARMS quick release mount included
• Optional adapters for mountinng onto the objective of the day scope (25...58mm diametr)


Intensifier Tube2nd Gen+ DEP XR5
Lens System F1:1.44, 80mm

Min. 64 lp/mm

Detection Range200
Recognition Range 150
Power Supplyone 3 Volt Battery(CR123A)
Range Of Focus10m to Infinity
Battery Life50 hours
Operating Temperature-40°C to +50°C
Waterproof10m for 30min
Dimensions139 x 80 x 72mm



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