

Nightvision devices in Gen.3 with white phosphor available now.

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ATN PS-15 Gen.2+ 2IA

5 800.00 € with VAT

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This device with image intesifier tube Gen.2+ 2IA has resolution 40-48 lp/mm.

The ATN PS15-2 is a compact, lightweight dual Night Vision Goggle System. It utilizes two high performance Image Intensifier Tubes to provide extremely clear and crisp images under the darkest conditions. This dual tube design provides increased depth perception and outstanding clarity. A built-in IR lets the user easily read a map and function in a total darkness environment. Available in a wide array of Image Intensifier Tube configurations the ATN PS-15 is designed to handle every budget and mission requirement. The ATN PS15-2 is the high performance choice!


Dual goggle/binocular
Hands Free use
Comfortable, flip-up Head gear
Lightweight, Compact
Depth Perception
Optional powerful 3x A focal lenses to make into binocular
Water and fog resistant


Magnification1X (optional 3X)
FOV 40 deg.
Diopter adjustment +2/-6
Resolution 40-48 lp/mm
Eye Relief 25 mm
Range of Focus 0.25m to infinity
IR Illumination Range 20 meters
Operating Temp. -40°C to +50°C
Power Supply 3 volt battery (CR123A)
Waterproof. 20 m for 1 hour
Storage Temp. -50°C to +70°C
Lenght 120mm
Weight 0.7 kg

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