

Nightvision devices in Gen.3 with white phosphor available now.

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ATN NVB5X Gen.2+ 2IA

2 099.00 € with VAT

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This device with image intesifier tube Gen.2+ 2IA has resolution 40-48 lp/mm.

The NVB series offers the highest magnification for a Night Vision bi-ocular in the industry. They are waterproof and can withstand the rigors of almost any environment. The NVB will give you the range and clarity that other bi-oculars simply can not touch.

• Amazing 5x magnification
• Multi-coated, all glass optics
• Detachable Long Range infrared illuminator
• Waterproof



FOV8 deg.
Lenght295 mm
Resolution40-48 lp/mm
Weight 1.29 kg

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