

Nightvision devices in Gen.3 with white phosphor available now.

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ATN Night Star Gen.1

259.00 € with VAT

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When most people think night vision, they think expensive. That's why at ATN we are proud to have created the perfect night vision device, it's called the NightStar. Why it is perfect, you might ask. The answer is simple.
The NightStar provides the user with superior clarity and the highest possible light gain of a first generation night vision device at minimal cost. Also the unit comes standard with TOTAL DARKNESS TECHNOLOGY which will power up a powerful infra-red illuminator when you come into an area with no ambient light. This NightStar is perfect for camping, boating, or home security. If you want to further the capabilities of the unit, you can add a camera adapter (fits 35mm and video) or doubler (doubles magnification).


Total darkness tech.Standard
Diopter adjustment+/- 5
Magnification1.5X (Optional 3X, 4X, 8X)
Intensifier tubeHigh Res. 1st GEN +
Detection range150m
Recognition range100m
Lens system6 (9) Element, F1.2, 35mm
Resolution40 lp/mm
Range of focus3' to Infinity
Power supplyOne 3 Volt Litium
Battery life10-20 Hours
Dimensions137 X 87 X 43 mm

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