

Nightvision devices in Gen.3 with white phosphor available now.

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ATN Night Spirit Gen.2+ 2IA

1 961.00 € with VAT

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This device with image intesifier tube Gen.2+ 2IA has resolution 40-48 lp/mm.

Night Spirit Gen.2+ was designed to be a lightweight night vision monocular. The ATN Night Spirit Gen.2+ has several accesory packages available that without tools it can be converted from pocket scope to a night vision goggle, it can be attached to film with SLR, digital or Video Camera, converted into long range binocular and has additional lens for higher magnification.

If versatility is what you are looking for in a night vision device then the Night Spirit is the system for you. The Night Spirit system allows you to custom design your own personalized unit. By ordering different packages you can build a system that fits your specific night vision needs.

To build the perfect system you must start with the perfect base unit to build upon. By utilizing a high resolution, 2nd generation intensifier tube the Night Spirit has one of the brightest and sharpest images available. A built in illuminator allows you to see clearly even in total darkness. Combine this with all glass optics specially coated to absorb light and the Night Spirit-2 is an exellent compact pocket scope.


Intensifier tube

US Gen. 2+
Magnification 1x (optional 3x, 5x)
Detection range 200 m/y
Recognition range150 m/y
Lens System24 mm; F1:1.2
Resolution40-48 lp/mm
Field of view40 deg.
Range of Focus1m to infinity
Diopter adjustment: +5 to -6
Power Supply1.5 volt AA size battery
Battery Life45 hours
Operating Temperature:-51C to +49C
Storage Temperature: -51C to +85C
Dimensions115 x 80 x 55 mm
4.5" x 3.2" x 2.2"
Weight0.32kg (0.7 lb)



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