

Nightvision devices in Gen.3 with white phosphor available now.

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ATN Night Shadow Gen.2+ 2IA

2 881.00 € with VAT

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This device with image intesifier tube Gen.2+ 2IA has resolution 40-48 lp/mm.

Night Shadow 2 is a Night Vision Binocular with build in exclusive ATN Smart Technology. Those night vision glasses have Proximity Sensor automatically turns the night vision binoculars ON when it is brought in the viewing position ? feature that Bushnell and Night Owl night vision do not offer. The Night Shadow 2 features all of the benefits US made Generation 2 technology, such as automatic brightness and gain control, bright light protection, along with a powerful IR illuminator and. The Night Shadow 2 is a highly professional night vision device. Specialized multicoated optics provides extreme clarity in low-light situations. With 5X Magnification and designed for long ranges is an excellent choice for For Camping,Boating, Nature study, or Law Enforcement, there is simply no better Bi-ocular night vision device on the market.

The Night Shadow comes standard with our cutting edge "Smart" technology.This technology consist of a computerized proximity sensor, digital controls and a long-range infra-red illuminator. The proximity sensor will automatically turn the unit on and off when it is brought to the viewing position.This helps save your battery life and the life of the unit itself.The digital controls allow you to activate all of the features of the Night Shadow with an easy push of a button.We also built a powerful infra-red illuminator into the scope.This allows you to see even in total darkness with outstanding clarity.

It is dark.You can barely see your hand in front of your face.You bring your Night Shadow night vision device up to your eyes and turn it on. Suddenly,in green-hued clarity, the entire scene is like day.

For Camping,Boating,Nature study, or Law Enforcement,there is simply no better Bi-ocular night vision device on the market.


"Smart" tech.

Total darkness tech. Standard
Magnification 5X
Detection range250 m
Recognition range175 m
FOV14 deg.
Resolution40-48 lp/mm
Min. light req. 5x0,0001 lux
Lens system F1:1.7, F90mm
Diopter adjustment +/- 5
Range of focus 8' to infinity
Power supply 2x3 volt lithium
Battery life 20-30 hours
Dimensions 250 x 125 x 50 mm
Weight 1.2 kg

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