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4x32 ACOG TA01

1 282.00 € with VAT

Trijicon ACOG TA01.jpg
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Only for military and law enforcement customers.

TA01 - 4x32 Trijicon ACOG® with Red Crosshair Full Illumination:

The concept is simple; a durable scope with a reticle that illuminates in low light situations. And the best part is that it doesn’t require batteries. Over 25 years later, the original ACOG stands the test of time and remains one of our most popular items. ACOG 4x32 Scope with Full Line Red Illumination features black crosshairs during daytime and tritium illuminates reticle at night. The reticle ranges out to 800 meters for 5.56 (.223 cal).

The TA01 also includes:

• 1 Carry Handle Screw and washer set (TA30)
• 1 4x32 Scopecoat (TA64)
• 1 Medium sized Pelican Case (TA88)
• 1 Lenspen (LENSPEN)
• 1 Trijicon Logo Sticker (PR15)
• 1 ACOG Manual
• 1 Warranty Card


Objective Size 32 
Bullet Drop Compensator Yes 
Length (in) 5.80 
Weight (oz) 9.90 
Illumination source Tritium 
Reticle Pattern Crosshair 
Day Reticle Color Black 
Night Reticle Color Full Red 
Calibration 0.223 
Bindon Aiming Concept No 
Eye Relief (in) 1.50 
Exit Pupil (mm) 8.00 
Field of View (°) 7.00 
Field of View @ 100yrds (ft) 36.80 
Adjustment @ 100 yds (clicks/in) 
Tube Size N/A 
Mount N/A 
Mount On/Comes With Carry Handle 
Housing Material Forged Aluminum 
Special Order No


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