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3,5x35 ACOG TA11F

1 650.00 € with VAT

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Only for military and law enforcement customers.

TA11F - Trijicon ACOG®—3.5x35 Illuminated Scope with Red Chevron Reticle:

ACOG 3.5x35 scope with Red Chevron BAC Reticle- The ranging reticle is calibrated for 5.56 (.223 cal) flat-top rifles to 800 meters. Includes Flat Top Adapter. The chevron reticle is designed to be zeroed using the tip at 100 meters. The width of the chevron at the base is 5.53 MOA which is at 19” at 300 meters. This allows range estimation for silhouette targets.

The TA11F also includes:

• 1 Flattop Adapter for Military style Rail (TA51)
• 1 3.5x35 Scopecoat (TA63)
• 1 Large sized Pelican Case (TA89)
• 1 Lenspen (LENSPEN)
• 1 Trijicon Logo Sticker (PR15)
• 1 ACOG BAC Manual
• 1 Warranty Card


Magnification 3.5 
Objective Size 35 
Bullet Drop Compensator Yes 
Length (in) 8.00 
Weight (oz) 14 w/o mount 
Illumination source Fiber Optics/Tritium 
Reticle Pattern Chevron 
Day Reticle Color Red 
Night Reticle Color Red 
Calibration 0.223 
Bindon Aiming Concept Yes 
Eye Relief (in) 2.39 
Exit Pupil (mm) 10.00 
Field of View (°) 5.50 
Field of View @ 100yrds (ft) 28.90 
Adjustment @ 100 yds (clicks/in) 
Tube Size N/A 
Mount TA51
Mount On/Comes With Flattop 
Housing Material Forged Aluminum 
Special Order No

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