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12" MRF-R for all M16/AR15 type rifles

438.16 € with VAT

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Only for military and law enforcement customers.

The Troy designed MRF provides an uninterrupted rail extension and hand guard in perfect alignment with the host weapons flat top receiver. The Troy Patent Pending locking system reinforces the factory installed barrel with a robust clamp and four anti-rotation alignment lugs. The Troy MRF is the strongest user applied free floating rail system in the world today. All MRF rail systems are constructed from hardened aircraft aluminum and finished in MIL-STD- Type III Hard Coat Anodize Flat Black or USSOCOM Flat Dark Earth. Troy MRF’s are available for all M16/M4 and AR10/SR25 weapon systems equipped with original factory hand guards and delta ring assemblies. MRF replaces the factory delta ring assembly only which does not require removal of the front sight or barrel. Made in USA.

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